Alexey Gatapov
"Genghis Khan is a man of the second millennium"

The novel by the Buryat writer Alexei Gatapov describes the adolescence of Genghis Khan, the great commander and state builder of Mongolia of the XII–XIII centuries. The first and second books of the novel reflect an important period of the young hero's formation – from 9 to 11 years old. These were the years of need and deprivation, hunger and mortal dangers, when the character of a great warrior and ruler was forged in the conditions of fierce hostility between the Mongol clans.

the novel "Temujin"
Author: Alexey Gatapov
(01) About
Alex Sergeyevich Gatapov
was born on March 18, 1965
in the villageUlyun of the Buryat ASSR.
In 1989 he graduated from the Historical Faculty of the Buryat State Pedagogical Institute. In 1983-1985, he completed active military service in the Mongolian People's Republic. In 1989-1990 he worked as a history teacher at Argadinsky secondary school (Kurumkan district of the Buryat ASSR), in 1990-1991 he taught at the Department of Pedagogy of the Buryat Pedagogical Institute.
He has been writing prose since 1995. In 1999, he was admitted to the Union of Writers of Russia. In 2001, he graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the Gorky Literary Institute. In 2005-2007, he worked as the editor-in-chief of the republican literary and artistic magazine Baikal. He translated the Buryat-Mongolian heroic epic "Shono Bator" into Russian.
In 2007, he prepared for publication the "Mongolian Historical Dictionary", which contains information about historical figures, events and phenomena in Central Asia from the Stone Age to the XX century. In 2015, an expanded version of the dictionary was published in the form of the "Mongolian Historical Encyclopedia". He is the author of the books "The Birth of a Leader" (collection of novels and short stories, 1998), "The First Nuker of Genghis Khan" (collection of short stories, novellas and articles) and "Temujin" (historical novel).
(02) Books
The novel by the Buryat writer Alexei Gatapov describes the adolescence of Genghis Khan, the great commander and state builder of Mongolia of the XII–XIII centuries.
The first and second books of the novel reflect an important period of formation of the young hero – from 9 to 11 years old. These were the years of need and deprivation, hunger and mortal dangers, when the character of a great warrior and ruler was forged in the conditions of fierce hostility between the Mongol clans.
The third book of the novel "Temujin" continues the story of the young Genghis Khan. It describes the war between the Ononian and Kerulen clans, which broke out shortly after the events shown in the first books. The hopeless situation in which the Mongol clans found themselves, the inability of the Noyons to ensure peace and prosperity, encourage Temujin to actively intervene in the political life of the tribe, which leads to his ascension into the hierarchy of Mongolian leaders. During the Merkit campaign, Temujin gains power over his father's army.
The fourth book of the novel Temujin continues the story of the young Genghis Khan. After returning from the Merkit campaign at the head of his father's army, Temujin settles on upper Kerulen with his friend and ally Jamukha. Soon he goes on a campaign against the powerful Taichiut leader Targudai, who once plundered his father's possessions, and returns from him his hereditary subjects, herds and herds of many thousands.
The fifth book of the novel shows the formation of Temujin as khan, the confrontation of the ancestral noyons of the khan's power and the efforts of the young ruler to subordinate them to his will, the military clash between Temujin and Jamukha, the victory over the Tatars and the first experience of relations with the Jin Empire in Northern China.
(03) interview
How long have you been writing a novel?
I started writing the Temujin series in 2001, 20 years have passed – a significant part of my life. Of course, I learned to write, gained a lot of experience. I don't think the hero influences the author. As I wanted, I directed the storylines, taking my time, thinking about every moment.
Why Temujin's youth?
In the novel, I showed the dark period of Genghis Khan's history - from 9 to 13.5 years old. In the novel, I consider this period to be the complete plot of the formation of his khanate. I searched bit by bit, guessed, logically compared hints, parallel and subsequent events.
What do you see as the value of the novel?
The novel talks a lot about the human mind, what is a smart or stupid person. There is no such question now, everyone is equal. And at that time he was in the first place. If you are a stupid person, then your place is to graze sheep or you will be lost. Only smart people survive in such conditions. This is one of the questions of human existence, and there are many others in the novel.
What difficulties did you have?
We already live in a civilization and it is difficult to write while sitting in an apartment. If I had lived at least in the XIX century, when the old life was still around, it would have been easier. The time of the historical novel is running out. Our nomadic culture is disappearing. We are the last representatives, the Mohicans. It's all going away...
Reader reviews
Georgy Pryakhin
writer, publisher, General Director of the publishing house "Fiction", Moscow
Gatapov undertakes to show us the figure of Genghis Khan in childhood, when he was not even Genghis Khan… I like that the writer does not choke on pathos, does not hyperbolize the figure of a not very happy boy, a teenager, a personality that history will eventually find in the same way as a cart finds a horse. He writes deliciously, calmly, showing remarkable knowledge of history and at the same time not overloading the narrative with science, belated journalism and ethnography
Evgeny Popov
Russian Russian writer, playwright, one of the founders of the Russian Pen Club (from a personal letter to the author A. S. Gatapov)
... It was very interesting for me to read all this. I am amazed by your knowledge of the history and everyday details of a long, bygone life… The psychological portraits and motivations of the actions of all the heroes, without exception, are magnificent. I believe what you wrote. And you are, of course, a real writer. It is obvious that the love for your people, for your land, was guided by your masterful pen, otherwise such a significant work would not have been created... the text, in my opinion, is impeccable and professional. I would like to read the continuation of what has already been written, because you are introducing a very important part of human history into the world cultural context…
Evgeny Valeryevich Zhirkov
Kirov city
I have just read, no, "swallowed" the novel "Temujin". During the reading, I constantly regretted that it ends quickly and there will be no continuation. The book is without exaggeration outstanding!!! Considering that I am 61 years old, and I am an avid bibliophile and admirer of historical novels, it would not be an exaggeration to say that I have read quite a lot, if not all worthy works touching on the history of Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, of course, Russia... I have read many of them several times. There are favorite authors. You're one of them now.… As Sholokhov writes about the Cossacks, so Alexey Gatapov writes about the ancient Mongols. There is a deep knowledge of the topic, it is very important.
The tongue is juicy and clean. Believe that this topic is interesting to everyone, but very few can reveal it.
I've never thought about how great people become like that before. The book describes the formation of the great warrior and commander Genghis Khan. It is the formation of how the iron character was forged - day after day, year after year.
Artistically and soulfully, the author tells about the childhood of little Temujin, about his inner experiences, about the struggle with himself, his thoughts and monologues are very interesting. For the first time, it is not the campaigns and conquered cities and peoples that are affected, but the mental state of the child, the defenseless son of Yesugei, during times of need, deprivation and hunger. Never before had I, who had read a lot of literature about Genghis Khan, known that his stepbrother opposed him, the confrontation ended with the murder of the latter. A lot of interesting points, hitherto not described in any literature, can be found here.
While reading this work, you experience conflicting feelings, understand, condemn, sympathize, admire... The book is presented in 3 parts, the third part I had to search through the shelves of different stores. I mostly read books on websites, but not in this case, I wanted to replenish the library with these wonderful books…
Fans of the Great Warrior should read this book, after it you look at the world with different eyes... through the eyes of a young, but already such a great Temujin.
Vakula Buguruslan
I read it excitedly...Starting to read, you are mentally transported to that era, before it was written in a realistic and lively language. Interesting, informative, not boring. It's a pity that I read it so quickly)). I am proud of such a contemporary as the writer A. Gatapov. I will look forward to continuing. "A good book is like a good friend - Forever!
Svetlana Baradieva
Thank you for such a monumental work, written with love and respect for our ancestor. Wish: work in the same direction. You do it professionally and with dignity. I read your book "binge". My worldview has changed. You have managed to sort out all the events on the shelves in a logical sequence, all the disparate things have become one, whole. Thank You
Seseg Nimaeva
I read all 3 books of "Temujin" over the January holidays and now I'm confused how I'm going to live on without continuing. I have firmly decided for myself that I will reread them again and again!
Elana Bayonne
I want to thank Alexey for such an amazing novel! I read it, savoring every page and almost without sleeping, I couldn't stop reading!!! The novel forced me to travel back to that time and relive all the events together with the characters. I just sobbed reading the moment of Yesugei's death, although I had read The Cruel Age before and seemed to know the whole story, but Alexey managed to write in such a way that it felt like I personally experienced these moments, that it was all real. in general, I am very impressed with the book and will be moving away for a long time! I'm looking forward to continuing!!!
Maxim Tsyrenov
The book is very entertaining, I honestly did not even expect it, while I was reading, I did not notice how the night flew by)). At one time I read both Yan and Kalashnikov, but here, it seems to me, there is a brighter language, and a lively description of the life of the Mongols of that era. A solid five!
Sultan Kalandarov
Greetings from Uzbekistan. I read 3 books in just a week. They are very well written, I liked it. The way of life of the Mongols is very similar to the way of life of the nomadic peoples of Central Asia. Thank you for your creativity. I can't find the 4th book. It is impossible to buy it in Uzbekistan.
Many thanks and a low bow to the author not only for the priceless gift, but also for finding the time, strength and courage to continue. This is a fundamental work that, I'm not afraid to say, will be imprinted in eternity.
Yuri Anisimov
When I bought the novel Temujin, I thought it would be boring and, to be honest, I doubted that I would be enough to finish reading it. But I was wrong, from the very first book I was fascinated by the story of Temujin's formation. Today I finished the fourth part and now I'm looking forward to the final one with excitement. I read avidly and returned to it with impatience after forced breaks. Not every book evokes such emotions and feelings.
I wrote to the author and, to my amazement, received an exhaustive answer to my questions.
Such books need to be adapted, that would be a good movie. You describe the events, the battles on a very large scale, and what is the description of the roundup in which Toby was Jamukha. All the tricks and tricks on the difficult path of the Temujin family are very well described.
A spirit-lifting book! The feeling that you are living with the main character through all his trials. It is read in one breath. I advise everyone who wants to strengthen their spirit!
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